Hahaha.. Lame title. Can’t come up with anything else.
Met a new lecturer today B. He’s really good, in a funny goofy way.
Did the whole topic on Charges for Criminal Procedure. Once a blur to me.. now really clear, thus the title.
Loved the lecture.
Shame J couldn’t come though.
BUT I visited him and his rashes have come down loads and his appetite is back! YEAY!
Downside though, he’s gone kinda yellow all over. I’m really upbeat bout it though.
I’ve been bingeing on keropok sotong and now ikan.
I’m supposed to be dieting but seriously.. I just can’t resist the temptation.
Just like how I try to stop watching Grey’s Anatomy, but I’m telling you I’m McFreaking in McLove with the McShow.
Hahaha.. a McFan McJoke.
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