I had a great shopping trip today, got a lovely tube dress reminiscent of my 1st year law ball dress for only a 3rd of the price of the dress I had made.
Only one thing though…. I kinda ripped it a tinee bit.. :S Gotta get my mom to sew it back for sure before i go out.
Planning to curl my hair and put it half up..
Kakaka.. I also got a lovely necklace from J. [Can I love him anymore?] Though that store is nuts, everytime I go there, I want to go more stuff. I wanna get another necklace I saw there as well.
Ah vell…
Anyway.. I wanted to blog cause I wanted to say something.. but erm. I forgot. Haha. So I guess that’s the end of this blog entry.. Hmm…
Does this bode well for my exams in July? The memory of a goldfish swimming in beer.
Haha. Great mood.
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