Hahaha… So its been a pretty long hiatus, but I think this is a good time to get back to blogging. This is because my CLP exams are over.
*Phew*Obviously my results are still looming ahead in September, but then so is the rest of my life, no?
Anyway, I kinda decided to get back to blogging cause I’ve been reading someone’s blog. Someone I’m ashamed of stalking, but the tiny (Ok, not so tiny) unforgiving, competitive, mean part of me, makes me do it roughly once a year. This year however I found her wretched blog and now I read it when my common sense leaves me.
Anyhoo, regarding that someone’s blog… I think she is still a $%!&@.
I really think that somehow somewhere up her butt is a decomposing pineapple.Ahhhh… finally got that out of me. Nyahaha… I know I should be more forgiving, I might even be the one who has to be forgiven. WHATEVER.
This is my blog and I choose to be unreasonable, childish and mean. Nobody knows who I am anyway, unless there’s been severe breach of my privacy by my internet provider, the government and interpol? Hahaha.. I seriously doubt that.
I’m watching Gilmore Girls at the moment, like any true fan, I shall repeat the motto ‘I want to live in Stars Hollow’. I want my extremely darling boyfriend (who beats Jesse and Dean anytime and reads this blog ;P or so he claims) to bid for a basket I make, participate in themed dance marathons and live in a lovely house painted a nice shade of yellow inside.
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