Excuses, excuses.

None are forthcoming. Hahaha.. Yes, I may not have many readers, but the very few complain about the fact that I haven’t updated my blog.

Well, I guess its cause I don’t want to make this one of those emo-blogs [I think I mentioned this before].

Anyway critical updates:

Jason passed his CLP! – The happiest moment of 2007 for sure.

We went to HK with my family and now we’re back. [Duh!]

I’ve been chambering in Skrine for 2 months plus… bout to get to my shortcall.
V. excited.

I watched Atonement last night. Completely brilliant film. Perfect casting! This is coming from someone who hates Keira Knightley!

Am on forced rehab from all the TV series I love. Damn WGA strike. Settle already!

So now spending my time watching lots of Desperate Housewives season 4 but much much more time is wasted staring at gorgeous Heidi on Project Runway. Sometimes you’re in and sometimes you’re out. In her words… Auf!

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