It’s been so long since I last blogged, I’m not even gonna try to excuse myself. Or am I?
Well since my last post, I have done the following:-
- Got the keys to my new house.
- Got a contractor and oversaw 2 months worth of renovations. This includes time spent picking tiles, fittings, wall colours etc. etc. (Hmm… why do I sound like I’m drafting a bill for my client?)
- Got legally hitched by getting registered on 30.10.2010.
- Had my wedding dinner on 21.11.2010. This includes having all my little pre-wedding dramas.
- Had my first home break in. Lost my laptop.
- Machine washed my 500gb external hard drive without losing any files! (I’m still using it, please bow to the power of Western Digital. Once it dried up after a month or so, it was good to go.)
- Celebrated CNY in Penang with J’s family for the first time ever.
- Learned how to make Teoh Chew Kuan Chen.
- Turned 28.
- Got knocked up. 🙂
- Puked for 2 months via mouth and nose. (No, not sexy.)
- Thought of lots and lots of girl names… and found out I’m having a baby boy!
- Celebrated J turning 30 today!
So, I think its fair to say that I have excused myself, non?
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