My DIY Tissue Box Breastmilk Storage Organizers

When I had Felix, I blogged about the pressure of total breastfeeding on moms today.

To do that, working moms have to pump and store breastmilk when maternity leave is over (and always all too soon).

So that I wouldn’t go insane in the office from worrying about whether or not I had pumped enough breastmilk for Felix, I started expressing a session a day (when I knew Felix wouldn’t need a feed) and I am doing the same for Alexis.

This means quite a lot of bags of backup breastmilk and since I have mild OCD, I simply could not bear to allow my freezer to look like this…

I also think it is ridiculous to fork out any money for a “breastmilk storage organizer“.

So, this is what I came up with, my DIY Tissue Box Breastmilk Storage Organizers.

I get a sick buzz looking at this:-

Step 1: Grab an empty tissue box.
Step 2: Snip diagonal lines at all 4 edges.
Step 3: Cut all the flaps you’ve made away.
Tip 1: Number the tissue boxes in ascending order.
Tip 2: “File” the breast milk bags from old to new from left to right (or right to left)
This method also makes transporting breastmilk to caregivers easier.
Just pop the tissue box (with the lowest number) into an ice box.

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