Don’t be a sotong, watch Squid Game


I finished Squid Game yesterday. South Korean entertainment outdid itself again. So glad I got over my prejudices and gave K-dramas and K-pop a chance.

I’m sure all the nitpickers who say it isn’t that great because it is derivative of Battle Royale, Hunger Games etc. are right about it not being completely novel. Why should that stop it from being considered great though? Is the Mona Lisa less extraordinary because it isn’t the first ever portrait of a woman?

Whilst gripping, there were many times I couldn’t look at the screen. So much gore, and a sex-scene I was seriously not requesting for. The sets and costumes were exceptional. Netflix clearly doesn’t stinge.

The Goblin die hard had her eyes glued to the screen the couple of minutes Gong Yoo appeared. Haha. Someone told me that Gong Yoo looks like Kermit the Frog. There may be some truth in that but just call me Miss Piggy.

Jason and I did manage to predict both main plot twists. *Pats self for “mental superiority”*. Haha.

As it’s a Korean show, I reminded myself not to get attached to any of the characters and anticipated the saddest death for the nicest characters. *Pats self for not once bursting into tears àla Li Hoong watching My Girl or Jojo Rabbit*.

I still don’t understand the rules of Squid Game but rules don’t matter if knives can be used to win a game that’s supposed to be played without knives anyway.

I was also told I’d play like Sang-Woo if I were in Squid Game. This is firmly denied. I would be the wife who joined with her husband, ok. Haha.

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