My mind is a temple.

Well, at least now it is.

On Tuesday night, I had the craziest dream.

I dreamt I was having a face-to-face conversation with a beautiful Beyoncé looking tenant with a full afro. She was moving out and taunting me about not planning to clean the room she rented. I was super certain she had seriously trashed the room.

For some reason, in my dream, I had the guts to tell her to either clean it up or pay the bill for cleaners I would get. Anyone who knows me knows I do not have such guts in real life.

She then made some snarky remark, which I can’t recall now, but I got this huge wave of rage, and I lunged at her with both my hands to choke her neck and I did it IN REAL LIFE too!

So I ended up JABBING some part of Jason who was sleeping next to me!

He naturally “WTF?!”-ed me and I woke up.

I could actually feel my upper body lunging in real life and my nails digging into his flesh!

I apologised to Jason and told him it was a dream. I had to explain I wasn’t attacking him, but doing it to the dream person.

After Jason fell back asleep (really quickly, cause he’s chill like that), I checked the time and it was 2AM.

The terrible Hauntu night dream was about 2:30AM also.

I started to think about how the timing was so similar. Which led me to think that maybe I kena rasuk by an evil spirit out to kacau me, or Jason, or me via Jason since I love him. Let’s just say my mind is able to reach these levels of crazy, haha.

First thing I did on Wednesday morning was to WhatsApp my mom the entire incident hoping she will pray for me. This is why I call myself agnostic and not an atheist despite how often I declare religion is a bane to society.

Bless my mom because she told my dad and both of them called me before noon and offered to take me to temple.

We went all the way to Ampang temple for prayers. Brought flowers and amulets back home to mandi bunga also.

After I did all that, I felt soooooo relieved. The smell of the burnt amulets were soooooo comforting. 😂

I know all this is in my mind, so I’m glad I did all this. Haha.


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