Category: Books

My mind’s Maid up.

Yeah, it’s actually not. I just needed to get this pun in here. I’ve just finished bingeing Maid on Netflix, and I am in awe. In awe of a couple of jaws. Those are some freaking amazing jaw genes that Andie McDowell has passed on to her daughter, Margaret Qualley....

Normal People

Normal People by Sally Rooney My rating: 3 of 5 stars It was so nice reading what Connell and Marianne were thinking as opposed to guessing what the bloody hell they were thinking when they said or did certain things. I had much more sympathy for both characters when I...

End of conversation

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney My rating: 2 of 5 stars Sigh, I should have expected to feel the same way I felt when I finished watching Normal People. It is the same author after all, and Frances had pretty much the same vibes as Marianne. So basically, a...

Conversations with Friends

To stop my incessant online shopping, I’ve decided to pick up a book instead of immediately proceeding to checkout. As a result, I’m now reading Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney. I saw ads for Rooney’s recently published third novel, Beautiful World, Where Are you and liked the series Normal...

Good and not-so-good reads.

I’m now reading The Fault in Our Stars and OMG, please just shoot me in the head. Since when do teenagers talk that way? Do we want to live in a world where teenagers talk that way? Vee in OITNB (Season 2) asks why is “some sick f***” writing about...

Sucking Up

Sigh, one of the many things uni does not prepare us for is living in a the-client-is-always-right-world. Today I experienced a I-wanna-shove-a-stick-as-wide-as-the-world-up-his/her-ass-client. Ah well.. just have to suck it up. 🙁 Oh yes, forgot to add that I also had an AHA! moment when I realised Marnie from True Blood...

More Pottermore Please!

Like any self-professed nerd would, I signed up for Pottermore with the very first of them. After what felt like ages to a Harry Potter nut like me, I got my Welcome Email yesterday. I’ve spent 3 hours on the website already and whilst there is room for improvement (it...

Aww… this poor blog of mine.

I have not been updating, was thinking of stopping. Got all nostalgic today though (so many old posts and stuff) so I decided to post now. What a looooooooooooooooooooong day. I had a hearing, moved office, had a loooooong meeting and had Korean food for the first time ever (Yes,...

Harry Pottering

Hahaha.. I’m reading Harry Potter 1 to 7 all over again. After reading and thoroughly enjoying book 7, I just had to go back and spot clues in the first 6 books. Anyone who stumbles on my blog need not worry about any spoilers though. I’m a devout believer in...