Category: Uncategorized

Reunited and it felt so good.

Thanks to the pandemic, I hadn’t seen my sister and her family for almost 2 years. So it was wonderful to have her back in Malaysia for 3 weeks in December. Thus the total blogging absence or so the dilettante desperately tries to justify. Haha. One of the many highlights...

Black and White

We live in a world that is multicolored yet the newspapers available to us paint a picture of a world that is so black and white. We are right, they are wrong. We are the best, they are the worst. We are good, they are bad. It is disappointing to find that...

Vexed by venues…

Oh no… I’m feeling really troubled right now. J finally caved and went venue hunting with me and so many of the venues have been taken up. Now that we’ve crossed out a large number of possible venues, there’s really not many places left. I hope that J is right and...

Tick Tock…

A bit panicky now… Haven’t really done anything in terms of the wedding stuff! It hasn’t been easy. We’ve seen some pretty awful places. E.g. dining room view of a water treatment plant, stinky house behind a sewer treatment plant, abandoned bed in kitchen etc. etc. We finally saw a great...

20112010 :)

My mom got the date for our chinese wedding ceremony and reception today, and its 20.11.2010. In the meantime, our families have had the “their getting married” dinner. It was held in conjunction with my brother’s post-PMR dinner. We therefore celebrated:- my brother’s freedom; the lost of J’s freedom; and...

spit please.

Haven’t blogged in ages. Can’t believe I left an old man sitting in a tree on my blog for so long. Work has sort of consumed my life, and my weekends seem to whiz by .. I’ve taken MC for today and I sure needed it. I don’t know when...